Do you need to go through a massive growth spurt with spiritual & practical guidance as you transition?
Women everywhere are being called to rise up into their feminine power in a way they never have before. You too?
What most people don't tell you about transformation is that just before we blossom with our full wings spread, first we turn into goo or chrysalis, just like butterflies, and it can look and feel really messy.
It can feel like you're dying and everything is falling apart before your eyes - but this is actually a really good thing – it means change is coming and your life is shedding its unneeded layers so that the new you can sprout and take shape!
You may experience an uncomfortable and itchy feeling in your skin, your relationships might turn old and stale, and this overwhelming feeling that things are falling apart and not working anymore. Like a wilting rose, you are in the death phase but you are also in the early stages of a Rebirth and reblossoming.
In this 6-month curriculum, I will be your "life doula" and guiding anchor to help you through your metamorphosis and propel you into a thriving state.
Are you ready?