Feng Shui is an elegant, scientific system formalized over 4000 years ago in China to help harmonize our lives with the physical environment. It functions on the premise that we are influenced by everything physical we see and touch, as well as by the invisible energy of the non-physical realm. We are not separate from all that surrounds us—our homes, our workplaces and playgrounds! There is no "one size fits all" in Feng Shui. Your environment has to be suited to your own nature, and also to the qualities you want to attract and cultivate in your life. In order to be healthy and happy, to enjoy love and success, then your space has to support and nourish these desires.
"Sometimes just a small change in outer
can result in a giant shift in inner."
The moon gate is an ancient Chinese landscape feature that acts as a portal between the inside and outside. In a symbolic sense, the moon gate is an opening and connection between two worlds. The complete circle provides an entry point for family members to return home to each other.

In a literal translation, feng means “wind” and shui means “water”. They are inseparable and connected. Water represents everything that is manifested as form and can be seen in "earthly space" (Qi or Chi). It is related to the Taoist understanding that everything is alive and filled with Qi (or energy) and how we arrange objects and where we live has a direct affect on all aspects of our lives.
Wind represents the vibrational world that is beyond our three-dimensional reality and honors all things that are formless and unmanifested in "heavenly time" (Known in Chinese as "Wuji").
Wood, fire, earth, metal and water are five archetypal elements found in nature that can be viewed as the building blocks to help one cultivate potent and vital energy in any space. Like everything in nature, these elements are in constant flux and they shift in quality between one state and the next. Each element expresses its Qi in colors, shapes and materials. The idea is not to simply have equal amounts of these elements in one space, but rather to know how to apply these elements to awaken any dormant Qi with the appropriate ones. Think of them as spices - a qualified chef knows how to work with the flavors to create a delicious meal. A qualified feng shui consultant knows how to orchestrate the elements to work to your favor.

According to yin and yang theory, all things in our Universe are composed of two opposing, but deeply intertwined forces. The Yin is passive and feminine — the Yang is active and masculine; a balanced home has a harmonious flow from both active and passive energies.

Cut doors and windows for a room;

It is the holes which make it useful.

Therefore benefit comes from what is there;

Usefulness from what is not there.
- Lao Tzu

My Story
I’ve always been fascinated by energy — how it moves through spaces and how we all are affected by it.
As a child, rearranging our furniture was my secret form of therapy. I found great release and joy in it and it provided a sense of peace to the chaos and uncertainty around me.
When I was studying urban sociology, I wrote my master’s thesis about Washington Square Park (NYC). For eight hours a day I sat in the park, observing the patterns people create when they come together in a public space and how the park’s design supports (or doesn’t support) that experience.
After obtaining my degree in sociology, I left my home country of Finland and moved to New York City. It was in that urban jungle where I fell in love with the macrobiotic way of food. I studied the Yin and Yang of foods and opened my own practice as a certified holistic health counselor.
It was enormously rewarding, and then I allowed my intuition to propel me toward my next adventure in California. Soon after moving across the country, I found my first Feng Shui book — or, it was more like it found me. Inspired by the colors and emotions I discovered in it, I decided to paint one of my walls with a bold color called “Million -Dollar Red”. This was a turning point in my life.

After that, I started to learn about Qi flow in the human body and opened a private massage practice. After eight years of helping bodies relax, learning how to read energy and meditate, sweating prayers in native rituals and fasting once for 40 days, it dawned on me that all the paths I have taken in my life taught me about two very important things: Movement and Containment of Qi (the essential principle of Feng Shui). Of all the paths in life, mine led me here, to my truest passion: Feng Shui.
My only wish in sharing this with you is that the enthusiasm for this ancient cosmology shines through these pages. I hope that one day we meet, perhaps over a cup of tea, to discover who you are, what you dream of and how we will make this your reality
All my love,


Erin | Pacifica, CA

I had always been uncertain of how to decorate and place furniture in my home, in order to align everything with the optimal flow and energies. After we struggled for months with furniture placement, and also family and relationship turbulence, I turned to Riikka for help.
Working with Riikka was a very powerful experience, and I was so relieved to discover the areas of my home that were balanced, and also uncover the spaces that needed some change. The solutions were subtle, but the results provided such a deep transformation for myself and my family.
Riikka is warm, caring and exceptionally intuitive. Her formal written report, and guidance and discussions after the initial visit have been exceptional, and have brought such amazing growth and nourishment to our home and family. I will always be so very grateful for her.
Elizabeth | Novato, CA

Riikka is a true healer and weaves these gifts into her feng shui consultations. When she came over to assess my home, she really took in the details of physical layout as well as the energetics of the property. She listened deeply to what I wanted to create and change in the overall feeling of my home and helped me clarify some of the key aspects of why things weren't flowing optimally. One of her strongest suggestions was to open up the outside front door entryway to allow more chi into the whole house. A few weeks after she made this suggestion, I removed a huge juniper bush that had been covering the front wall for over 40 years. Wow!! What a complete visual and sensory shift! The outside of my home not only looks lighter and brighter, but I'm sleeping better too. I have been living in my home for over 10 years and this has been a welcome change. I was surprised at how simple the remedy was and how powerful the effects are. I'm going to look into the other suggestions she made because now I know they really do work!
Rachael | Fairfax, CA

Riikka came to my home to help me let go of things in my space that were blocking my flow. I had been having a hard time finding anything to wear even though I have so many clothes. We concentrated on my dressing area with her firmly supporting me to only keep that which I loved. This permission was like healing nectar and enabled me to let go of three trash bags full of clothing jewelry and shoes that I didn’t really love and never wore. Suddenly I feel like I have more time and space. It’s a miracle. Riikka is amazing. I can’t wait to have her come up and help me with the other rooms in my home.
Mariette | Petaluma, CA

When Riikka visited our home for the initial consultation she was warm, interested and welcomed all my questions. That allowed me to share very openly about the ups and downs of my relationship to my home. My biggest wish was to bring the house into present time and let go of some of the stagnant energies (goodbye old curtains and furniture) that were no longer useful. After her visit Riikka laid out a deep and truthful, personally crafted report to lead us into the present with greater harmony and alignment with our living space. Riikka’s beautiful Feng Shui roadmap was infused with ancient Chinese wisdom and her unique modern eye, the perfect mix. Her enhancement plans were laid out very clearly, so we were able to apply them right away. Implementing her suggestions has created more coherence and joy in our house, I feel much more aligned with my home now. Overall it was Riikka’s passion for the art of Feng Shui and unique sense of style that made this a real success! Riikka gives above and beyond what is expected.