For Residential and Commercial Spaces
To begin this exciting process of Feng Shui for your home or business, you’ll first need to submit the “Get Your Quote” form, at which time I will provide you with a questionnaire to complete.
I’m truly looking forward to working with you!!
Filling out my complete consultation questionnaire is a potent exercise that provides you and me with a deeper understanding of your challenges while giving us an opportunity to set a clear intention for the process and to define your goals.
(2 - 3 hours)
This on-site visit consists of first studying the landscape to learn how to best harness the Qi of your home’s surroundings. Then, I analyze the floor plan and Qi flow of your home. Finally, by using the Luo Pan compass, I define the favorable directions and sections for the property, as well as for each resident based on their date of birth.
A comprehensive written report will be delivered (printed copy and pdf) within 15 days. We’ll discuss the report over the phone. This takes 45 - 60 minutes. After the call we schedule a follow-up call 3 months into the future to review the adjustments you have implemented.

Interested in customizing your consultation? You're also welcome to book these services independently.

Includes 8+ coaching sessions one-on-one over the phone. You’ll learn how to set an intention and hold a vibration in your home space that matches who you are and where you want to go. You will clear any “home issues” (limiting beliefs) you may have in relationship to the concept of home (these usually stem from our childhood) and learn how to de-clutter and let go of items in your home that weigh you down (this will also apply to your thoughts, habits and blocks in your own energetic field).
You will create a sacred space within your home dedicated to daily contemplation practice and to truly understand the deeper meaning of your home
"Always keep in mind that the strongest factor of your Feng Shui is you."
-Stefan Emunds
Includes 2-4 hours, in-person.
The Home (or office/retail space) is like a sponge. Everything that has ever happened in the space gets absorbed into the walls, carpets, furniture and objects. This creates stagnation and can translate into negative thoughts, stress, arguments, and "in the worst cases" illnesses and accidents. Consider this session like a shower. We as humans rarely want to leave our home without one. For the same reasons, your home or office will benefit from a regular Energy Clearing.

Includes 1-hour in-person holistic health consultation and a kitchen cabinet make-over (optional: health food store shopping tour). We start with in-person holistic health history consultation to better understand the dietary direction needed based on your life situation. During the visit I will also see what is needed to bring better flow and energy to your kitchen. Then we will take action and transform your kitchen into an inspiring space that will support you to making all the necessary dietary and lifestyle changes needed for you to start living a life with more vitality.
"The mouth is the place to exercise our freedom, through breathing, talking, chanting, eating, and drinking. To manage the mouth properly is to manage your life properly."
-Michio Kushi
Includes a wardrobe make-over, letting go of what needs to go, and working with a professional personal stylist.
We start by taking a look at your wardrobe and creating three piles: yes, no and maybe. We take the necessary action to organize and update your closet to reflect who you truly are and where you want to go. You’ll have the option to work one-on-one with a professional personal stylist who will help you refine your personal style and build a better wardrobe.
When our inner and outer worlds meet in the way we dress, we feel comfortable in our own skin and become magnets for aligned opportunities.

"Reiki is a field that models who you were before you got lost."
-Mia Runanin | Reiki Master

Reiki is a Japanese hands-on healing technique for physical pain, anxiety, held grief and a life that feels stagnant. The space created will help you access a deep well of your own inner resources that assist you in letting go of long-held patterns, both physical and energetic. It is like a facilitated meditation. This session can also be done from a distance.