In the deep fall don't you imagine the leaves think how comfortable it will be to touch the earth instead of the nothingness of air and the endless freshets of wind? And don't you think the trees themselves, especially those with mossy, warm caves, begin to think
of the birds that will come — six, a dozen — to sleep inside their bodies? And don't you hear the goldenrod whispering goodbye, the everlasting being crowned with the first tuffets of snow? The pond vanishes, and the white field over which the fox runs so quickly brings out its blue shadows. And the wind pumps its bellows. And at evening especially, the piled firewood shifts a little, longing to be on its way. - Mary Oliver
A big part of knowing Feng Shui is to know how to tune into Nature and its cycles. Many of the traditional Feng Shui “cures” are based on the Five Elements Theory. We long to balance our lives by bringing the outside in, utilizing the surrounding nature to enliven our interiors.
Autumn Equinox is the official good-bye to summer. Labor day’s barbecue puts out Fire, allowing the Indian Summer to soften summer’s burning edges. Of the five elements or phases (wood, fire, earth, metal and water), metal relates to Autumn. Metal is the hidden jewel, something buried deep in the Earth that could be precious. It's been perfected for a very long time, giving it the permission to be particular, to question things and to be even a bit esoteric. It's cold and dry, contracted and inward, like that one autumn morning when you can tell the season has shifted and you know it'll be a very long time until you'll feel a warm breeze on your face again. This is why Autumn is a good time to pick up a new study or hobby that will take us deep into our inner world.
Metal sits in the direction of the sunset. If metal could make a sound, it would be weeping, possibly even grief, which is held in the lungs. If the metal phase had a smell, it would be rotten, like a pile of wet leaves on the ground ready to become soil again. In astrology, Monkey and Rooster are the metal signs and Venus the ruling planet.
In the kitchen and according to Chinese Medicine, Autumn is the time to eat everything white: white onions, cabbage, turnips, celery, radish, cauliflower, cod, tofu, and navy beans.
In Feng Shui, polished surfaces such as glass doors, the color white, clean, open spaces, round shapes, metallic surfaces, older things such as antiques, talismans, clocks and crystals—these are all examples of objects representing the metal phase. Remember, too much white can lead to over-thinking! A compass reading combined with our birth information can tell us which part of our homes would benefit from this precious element and which areas are good to keep free of it.
(four servings)
This one is fabulous with buckwheat noodles! I learned this recipe in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition® chef training. It makes four servings...or two if you end up liking this as much as I do!
1 cauliflower, broken into small florets
1 fennel bulb, thinly sliced
1/2 bunch of fresh dill, washed and chopped
olive oil to lightly coat vegetables
sea salt and pepper to taste
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Place the cauliflower and fennel in a bowl.
Slightly coat with olive oil and add some salt and pepper to taste. Mix with your hands to give your extra blessing and love. Place the veggies on a cookie sheet. Cook in the oven for about 10–15 minutes. The cauliflower and fennel should be golden brown, firm
but cooked through. Try poking them with a fork to test! Place the roasted veggies in
a serving dish, mix with the fresh dill, and serve.