Return to Your Essence
Medicine of the Feminine
Qualified Naturopath and Hypnotherapy

Walk the path of women's empowerment and holistic healing.
Remember, Reclaim, and come Home to Yourself.
Be all that you were born to be!

Welcome Beloved,
I’m Schirin Chams-Diba, founder and your guide for ‘Return to your Essence' - Medicine of the Feminine™.
I offer you ‘Return to your Essence- Medicine of the Feminine™’ - a methodology to assist you to live your authentic, sovereign, spiritual, sanctified way of life. My approach blossomed from my own experiences as my own life has been a rich, full spectrum, colorful tapestry of life changing adventures, massive challenges, beautiful awakenings, endless blessings and deep love.
This is medicine for the body/mind/heart/soul. Come and be transformed and empowered in a safe space. Your inherent wisdom and unique expression is needed. Now is the time to honor your intuitive guidance as a force to connect mystical experiences with holistic wellness... in every day life.
I offer my guidance towards the healing, empowerment and realization of your unique gifts. Within this safe space, women can heal holistically, move beyond stagnation, pain and trauma, claim wholeness with integrated soft strength; through the principles of transformation and nurture by the strongest power of all ~ Love.
Remember, Reclaim & Redefine your Inherent Powers.

Together we will find the right tools for you to move beyond that which limits you. As the artist of your own life, we will craft healing rituals that marry masculine and feminine, spirit and matter, earth and sky. This inner union creates wholeness from where wisdom is revealed and your full power.
I share from a space of embodied wisdom. We can only pass on effectively, what we practice ourselves. I’ve been initiated with a deep trust in myself and Spirit through immersion in the healing arts and spiritual lineages, with master teachers and above all Life as my greatest teacher of all.
I’ve traversed the planes of many fields as a professional for the past two decades. I hold a ‘Bachelor of Complementary Medicine’. I weave together Ancient Healing Traditions with Modern Natural Healthcare Professionalism. I’ve worked full-time in a clinical practice as a Naturopath, Herbalist, Flower Essence practitioner and Hypnotherapist. My offerings are rooted in a deep understanding of women's reproductive health and women's studies. Yet, people of all walks of life sought my service and thus I learned. As a healing artist, I have cultivated to tap into the unique needs of my clients and create their specific medicines like unique works of art.

What's My Flower Essence?

Everything is connected in the universe. Each plant has a correlation to the zodiac and archetypes of life. Your unique being is divinely orchestrated by the same forces that weave the fabric of the universe.
Based on your astrological influences, I will find out your ‘power flower’ which reveals to us the quality that serves to truly empower you and your purpose in this life.

I see women as leaders, healers, artists, dreamers, movers and shakers in wise leadership, as facilitators of a sacred experience.
Together, we redefine womanhood in community. We’re bringing back the healthy feminine aspect that transcends all barriers. We take up our rightful place in our co-creative, responsible, reciprocal relationship with all of life. Together, we offer up a legacy of wholeness for generations to come.

Move beyond your trauma, pain and limitations.
Restore the birthright of your Spirit Essence
I dream of a time when the Sacred Feminine is restored to its rightful place of wholeness and reverence. When women take up their space in the holistic wisdom councils of every aspect of life once more, I know humanity and the Earth to be healed. To this cause, I am unwaveringly committed.
As a healing guide I serve Love, Balance, Truth, Beauty and Grace. As a teacher, I offer the fruits of my labour to the benefit of all. I have found my gifts only to give them away to the Greater Good. I'm here for YOU.
Your uniqueness is divinely orchestrated and hence needed and wanted in its authenticity for the betterment of the Greater Whole.
I envision us to each trace along the Creation Web of Life in its perfect patterning, aligned with the pathways of our destinies fulfilled.
With Deep Reverence,

Access tools of feminine transformation to integrate into your life for lasting impact. Receive tangible tools to take with you on your journey to reclaim your feminine essence. Everyone has gifts. Your uniqueness is the medicine that the world needs!
Reclaim the healing wisdom of your mothers and grandmothers

Private Coaching

Activate Your Divine Essence
When you book a private healing with Schirin, you will gain access to the following services and therapies. With each session you will receive a customized approach tailored to your individual needs.

Schirin Chams-Diba
Qualified Naturopath and Hypnotherapy
Schirin Chams-Diba is a fully Qualified Naturopath, Herbalist, Flower Essence Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Medicine Woman and Sacred Dancer. As a versatile being, she can truly meet people where they are at in their life journey. She has assisted 1000s of people on their journey of holistic healing within the past two decades.
She specializes in 'Feminine Reproductive Health', yet also helps people of all types who walk through her healing temple door. Schirin has learned about the Essence of all healing, the Return to Self. Heal the Spirit, the Soul, the Heart.
Experience your transformation from the inside out.
Schirin knows all who seek her healing support have a 'date with destiny' to fulfill. It is her honor and life's calling to assist you healing to actualize your unique path in this world with wholeness and purpose.

Real Experiences