Why is Healing the Womb so Important?

Since times immemorial, the womb has been venerated as the ‘Giver of Life’ made in the image of the Great Creation Goddess. So powerful are our wombs, that we can create a new body for a soul to dwell in. Our wombs conceive, gestate and birth new Life. Our hearts nurture this life into thriving.
Our cyclical nature is connected to the cyclical relationship between the Earth and the Moon, reflected in our inner hormonal pathways.
Our wombs are inherently wise and knowing. Even for women without a womb, whether bleeding or not bleeding, this inherent wisdom is present in the energetic matrix. In Sanskrit the womb and sexual organs are know as the ‘Yoni’ ~ ’Sacred temple’ or ‘Gateway’.
Step into a sacred relationship with your womb
to restore the wholeness of your most sacred self.
Our wombs and ovaries are gateways to a never-ending wellspring of life force (prana, chi) which ebbs and flows with our cyclical changes. Our wombs are vessels of creation and metamorphosis. On a metaphysical level, our womb powers can be accessed towards self-healing and the same conception, gestation & birthing’ process for any of our prayers, hopes, visions, dreams, ideas about anything.
Our wombs connect us to all women who walked before us, are currently with us and yet to come. Our wombs connect us to the Gaia herself. Being the vessel, we have ancient women’s blood mysteries embedded into our cellular memories.
Given the receptive nature of our wombs and the vastness of capacity and space holding, we can store ancestral and current pain, trauma, shame, stagnation, and stories of disservice. When the womb is cleared of its past life energetic imprints, it is restored to its full potential within the body temple. Women often experience disconnect from their bodies, not realizing that we co-create through our sacred body vessels with the Great Mother Goddess. Our capacity for creation is infinite!
By stepping into sacred relationship with our womb and heart allies, we can restore the wholeness of our most sacred selves and access true power, unbridled joy, wisdom, unshakable gnosis, guidance, healing and fulfillment.

What to Expect

In our session together, we will uncover exactly what is held in your womb, and release any stored energies that don’t serve you. You will be held in a space of complete unconditional love and acceptance.
Dive deeper into the healing of your body temple and sacred womb space. A healthy womb space balances internal masculine and feminine energies, creating fertile grounds for the rebirth of a new woman – whole, unified, present and healed from within.

Healing the Womb can assist with:
Feminine Reproductive Health
Releasing blocks
Past birth trauma, miscarriage, or abortion, or sexual violation
Unhealthy relationship patterns
Feeling disconnected or depressed
Creative blocks or blocked purpose or manifestations
That feeling that “something’s missing”
Low libido, numbing out or dissociating during sex
Feeling disconnected from feminine, operating from imbalanced masculine energy
Disconnected from deeper feelings or intuition
Stress, overworking
Inability to relax or orgasm during sex
Repeating toxic ancestral patterns
Unhealthy boundaries
Lack of clarity or direction
join collective healing of the Planetary Womb
Cancer, including breast, cervical, ovarian & uterine cancer
Miscarriages, terminations and stillborn experiences
Birth trauma
Polycystic ovary syndrom and cysts
Painful or absent periods
Irregular menstrual cycles
Fertility, IVF & sexual dysfunction
Pelvic pain
Hormonal issues

It would be my honor to assist you with the wellness of your holistic womb life with a customized session tailored to your individual needs including:

Lifestyle Guidance
Spiritual Coaching
Movement Medicine
Sacred Dance
Feminine Self Care Tools
Flower Essence Remedies
Nutritional Herbal Medicine
Reproductive Health
Taoist Feminine Arts
Yoga of the Feminine

Holistic Fertility Care
Are you preparing to become pregnant?
Receive comprehensive support for your journey in conception, pregnancy, birth and motherhood. In the midst of the challenges that the fertility journey can bring, stay connected with yourself, be nourished, receive gentle care.
Connect with yourself as the archetype of the mother and with the soul of your baby in this sacred space for conception. Prepare for this significant Rite of Passage.